Sunday, September 20, 2009

Entry Two - Blog - Updating My Blog Appearance

Ok, so after I created my blog I went back to the Etsy forums and posted a link to my blog on the forums, of which I got no reponses.  I did find another post relating to a blog so I checked it out.  It was a seller of dolls who said she needed help with her blog.  I checked out her blog and realized... if she needed help, I was in intensive care.  I had no photos, no custom design  etc... So, I created a custom design and added photos.  What do you think? 

I know... still have lots to do.

Anyone have good blog how-to resources, please add to comments.

Thanks to for being my first follower.


  1. nice... incidentally, for my etsy shop, I constantly am laboring at making it look better, especially the photos. It is so hard to photograph a printed button because when they are larger than actual size, they don't really look as nice as they do in person. The buttons do not love the camera, as I have found. That said, I am doing my editing with iphoto, and maybe I should try something else instead.

  2. I hear ya with the photos. I'm only using a mediocre digital, but one thing I've found it taking photos in the sunlight seems to help. Lighting has always been an issue with me. I'll see if I can find some resources on taking photos. I know I've seen some. Stay tuned!


Thank you for commenting on my blog. Please be considerate and kind... other than that... let 'er rip.